Sharing and Openness
The video about creative licences was informative (Process Arts, 2011) to sort out how to make sure that my online material won't be used in a manner that I didn't intend. However, I'm not so concerned about getting credit so I'd probably just the CC0 licence (Creative Commons, 2020). If anyone use my material, it's nice, but they don't need to attribute it to me, unless it'd be something that I make money on myself. Of course, I can also use the creative licences for my own teaching, for example by using Flickr (2020). I disagree with Wiley (2010) who insinuates that selfishness is the reason why teachers don't share more than they do. At the very least, it isn't personal selfishness. We teachers have a responsibility towards both our universities and the creators of textbooks that we use. I agree with him that expertise and expression of expertise can be freely shared but that seems quite obvious to me. I have lived almost my whole life in a digita...