Lessons learnt – future practice

I have learnt quite a lot during the ONL course that I've been following for the past couple of months. I have learnt more about digital tools than I expected and I've had the opportunity to test several different tools. However, I don't see myself using them so much during my teaching, since my teaching is mostly not of that kind. They are, however, very useful in workshops, group work and other collaborative environments. I could let my students use e.g. Miro or Mural for some project work but since we do not have a license for this, I'm a bit reluctant. These would have been nice tools for them to have though. Now I think that I'll suggest using Office 365 och Google Docs along with Zoom. And I hope that LTU will get licenses for these kind of tools in the future, now that we're doing it all online.

These last few months, I've realised that breakout rooms in Zoom is also a really nice tool for collaboration, both temporary and more permanent since you can fix the groups beforehand. In my course in Energy efficient buildings I will use it for project work. I'll pre-arrange the breakout rooms according to their project groups and then they can work in their rooms and when they need help, they can come out and get one of us teachers.

I have also got a new understanding for different licenses. This has made me more aware of what I'm using and how I'm using it, which is really useful. Fortunately, it's quite easy to find images that are ok to use and reproduce. 

Before I started the course, I had already considered designing a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). This course has given me some tools to use and also a little bit of more courage. I've checked out some possible open literature that could be useful in such a course. I didn't even know that there was such a plethora of free and open course material. However, not all of it has a high quality and I think I still have some sifting to do.

Finally, I've met some really nice people in PBL group and I will probably keep in contact with them also after the course. I've had a good time altogether and I've learnt, discussed and reflected a lot about online teaching. 


  1. Dear Erik, Thank you for your final reflections regarding the ONL course. You seem to bring with you a lot of interesting aspects, from how to work with students in e-meetings, to licenses to MOOCs. It has been a pleasure following you through the course and I wish you all the best on your future educational journeys!


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